CA’s Water Pollution Laws Languishing w/o Enforcement San Francisco Chronicle 2018; California's lawmakers can ensure our environment is protected Desert Sun, 2018; Brown Needs to Rescue CA Recycling Sacramento Bee, 2017; Book Review: New York, 2140, Meeting of Minds, 2017; Approving a Natural Areas Program San Francisco Chronicle, 2017; Eliminating the Pacific Garbage Patch LA Daily News, 2016; Zero Waste Super Bowl Arizona Republic, 2015; Lessons from the Australian Drought Sacramento Bee, 2014; Thanksgiving Should Remind us to Stop Wasting Food San Jose Mercury News, 2012; Reducing Marine Debris is Worldwide Challenge (w/ Jane Lubchenco) Honolulu Star Advertiser, 2011; At the cutting edge of climate change New Zealand Herald, 2008; Sustainable future requires smart electrical grid Sacramento Bee, 2008; Save the earth, buy less San Francisco Chronicle, China Daily, and Sing Tao 2007; The real cost of bottled water (w/ Susan Leal) San Francisco Chronicle 2007; On a greener future – A vision for urban living (w/ Ruth Gravanis) San Francisco Chronicle, 2006; Who pays the real cost of toxic waste? San Francisco Chronicle, 2006; Accords for Sustainable Cities United Nations, Our Planet, 2005; An environmental link between the U.N. and S.F., San Francisco Chronicle, 2004; China's emerging environmental consciousness, San Francisco Chronicle, 2003; New Approaches to Safeguarding the Earth, San Francisco Chronicle, 2003; Ebb & Flow Energy San Francisco Chronicle, 2002; Protecting the Biosphere of Laguna San Ignacio, H2O, 2000; Legal Aspects of Whale Watching in North America, UCSD Journal of Environment & Development, 1997; Agenda 21 – Three years Later: National Implementation: Environmental Democracy & Sustainable Development, 1996; Environmental Priorities for the World Trading System, Recommendations to WTO Committee on Trade and Environment, NRDC and FIELD, 1995; Shaping the Agenda: The Role of U.S. Non-Governmental Organizations in Shaping the Domestic and International Environmental Agenda, Luso-American Foundation, 1995; Directory of National Councils on Sustainable Development Earth Council, NRDC,World Resources Institute, 1994; Green Reform of the International Trading System, Harvard School of Government – Proceedings, 1994; Environment Magazine, UN Committee on Sustainable Development, 1994; Four in ’94 Assessing National Actions to Implement Agenda 21: A Country-by-Country Progress Report, NRDC, 1994; Implementing UNCED (w/ Jacob Scherr (Greening International Law, P. Sands); Human Rights and the Environment, United Nations, 1992